link | desc | type |
Phrontistery | A dictionary of unusual, archaic, obsolete words | writing |
Dithermark | for all your image dithering needs. there are so many settings you can tinker around with! | webmastery |
32bit café | 32bit café's resource list for the personal web | webmastery |
WordReference | multilingual dictionary — so so useful for translation. next time you're writing something for your french/spanish/german/whatever class, use this instead of google translate | writing |
Line of Action | practice drawing poses from references, with timed exercices | art |
Derivative Calculator | derivative calculator with steps | maths |
Photopea | a Photoshop alternative in your browser | art |
BobbyBroccoli | a youtuber who does amazing deep-dive documentaries on science scandals and controversies. watching his videos is better than going to the cinema | science |
The strange fate of a person falling into a black hole | reading this article is what made 12-year-old me want to study astrophysics | science |
terror pixels | where i got all the pixels on this page from | webmastery |
Cubeupload | free image hosting without compression. simple & straightforward | webmastery |
Eyes on Exoplanets | A scientifically-accurate 3d render of the universe by NASA that allows you to explore thousands of known exoplanets | science |
Image Location: Honfleur, France