

Web neighbours
minimalist girlcreature who lives in your computer
personal blog that i really enjoy reading through
coolest laboratory ever. i got the inspiration for my homepage from them
chaotic in the best way & so many things to discover
insightful. i love the secrets page
the layout is just php magic
Star Thorns Banner soft & magical... the original illustrations are absolutely lovely
popisbutton the cutest room you've ever seen
a true artist
A digital drawing of a person with a red ram head and brown, medium length hair on the right. On the left, the words 'TEHUAN' are in big lettering, with clipart of a pocket mirror, dried flowers, and boots behind it. so cozy!! the vibes of this website makes you wanna settle down and grab a cup of tea while you explore it
i have a soft spot for this site. pdm and musée anatol are must-visits
a quaint, fresh little site. i'm always delighted by their crafts
perhaps the best the retro windows layout site out there. impeccable aesthetic
intriguing, the recents page is a delight to scroll through
a fairy's bower <3
a neat, tranquil cove by the beach
i like the space blog & their art page!
Saikyo Central now *this* is a website! love the energy
literally everything on this site is cool. their original stories pages are so well-crafted it makes me go insane
if a gothic castle was a website. lady nymph has truly carved out an iconic niche on the web
peak y2k aesthetic—every page is bursting with funky visuals. the hand-illustrated closet page is such a cool idea!
personal essays. his writing voice captivates me and i love reading about life in shanghai
visceral. excellent dog images
link desc type
Phrontistery A dictionary of unusual, archaic, obsolete words writing
Dithermark for all your image dithering needs. there are so many settings you can tinker around with! webmastery
32bit café 32bit café's resource list for the personal web webmastery
WordReference multilingual dictionary — so so useful for translation. next time you're writing something for your french/spanish/german/whatever class, use this instead of google translate writing
Line of Action practice drawing poses from references, with timed exercices art
Derivative Calculator derivative calculator with steps maths
Photopea a Photoshop alternative in your browser art
BobbyBroccoli a youtuber who does amazing deep-dive documentaries on science scandals and controversies. watching his videos is better than going to the cinema science
The strange fate of a person falling into a black hole reading this article is what made 12-year-old me want to study astrophysics science
terror pixels where i got all the pixels on this page from webmastery
Cubeupload free image hosting without compression. simple & straightforward webmastery
Eyes on Exoplanets A scientifically-accurate 3d render of the universe by NASA that allows you to explore thousands of known exoplanets science
"Notre âme est un trois-mâts cherchant son Icarie"

Image Location: Honfleur, France